
S. S. Bhavikatti ... 348 pages - Publisher: New Age International Publishers; 1st edition (February, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8122436714 - ISBN-13: 978-8122436716 ...

With the author`s experience of teaching the courses on Finite Element Analysis to undergraduate and postgraduate students for several years, the author felt need for writing this book. The concept of Finite Element Analysis, finding properties of various elements and assembling stiffness equation is developed systematically by splitting the subject into various chapters. The method is made clear by solving many problems by hand calculations. The application of finite element method to plates, shells and nonlinear analysis is presented. After listing some of the commercially available finite element analysis packages, the structure of a finite element program and the desired features of commercial packages are discussed.

Nishantha Bandara, Manjriker Gunaratne ... 112 pages - Publisher: Momentum Press; (February, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1606505408 - ISBN-13: 978-1606505403.

Familiarity with geotechnical aspects of pavement engineering is essential for the practicing pavement engineer. When designing pavements, accurate characterization of the existing subgrade condition becomes a crucial task. In the past, traditional geotechnical exploration and testing methods have been used to characterize existing subgrade conditions. However, with the introduction of the Mechanistic-Empirical (ME) pavement design, there is a need for improved and more appropriate methods of subgrade characterization, for prediction of future pavement conditions with better accuracy. Hence, this handbook will present a useful tool for practicing pavement engineers.

Efstratios Nikolaidis, Dan M. Ghiocel ... 1216 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (July, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0849311802 - ISBN-13: 978-0849311802 ...

Researchers in the engineering industry and academia are making important advances on reliability-based design and modeling of uncertainty when data is limited. Non deterministic approaches have enabled industries to save billions by reducing design and warranty costs and by improving quality. Considering the lack of comprehensive and definitive presentations on the subject, Engineering Design Reliability Handbook is a valuable addition to the reliability literature. It presents the perspectives of experts from the industry, national labs, and academia on non-deterministic approaches including probabilistic, interval and fuzzy sets-based methods, generalized information theory, Dempster-Shaffer evidence theory, and robust reliability. It also presents recent advances in all important fields of reliability design including modeling of uncertainty, reliability assessment of both static and dynamic components and systems, design decision making in the face of uncertainty, and reliability validation. The editors and the authors also discuss documented success stories and quantify the benefits of these approaches.

Yasushi Miyano, Masayuki Nakada ... 172 pages - Publisher: Wiley-VCH; 1st edition (October, 2017) ... Language: English - ASIN: B076BZTBQQ by Amazon Digital Services ...

The result of the authors' 40 years of experience in durability testing, this book describes the advanced testing methodology based on the viscoelasticity of matrix polymer. After a short introduction to the viscoelastic behavior of fiber-reinforced plastics, the text goes on to review in detail the concepts of static, fatigue and creep strengths in polymer composites. An application-oriented approach is adopted such that the concepts developed in the book are applied to real-life examples. Indispensable information for materials scientists and engineers working in those industrial sectors is concerned with the development and safe use of polymer composite-based products.

Publisher: Transportation Research Board; 5th edition (2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0309160774 - ISBN-13: 978-0309160773 ...

This latest edition will significantly update how engineers and planners assess the traffic and environmental effects of highway projects: It is the first HCM to provide an integrated multimodal approach to the analysis and evaluation of urban streets from the points of view of automobile drivers, transit passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians; It is the first to address the proper application of micro-simulation analysis and the evaluation of those results; It is the first to discuss active traffic management in relation to both demand and capacity; and It is the first to provide specific tools and generalized service volume tables, to assist planners in quickly sizing future facilities.

J. A. König ... 224 pages - Publisher: North Holland; (December, 2012) ... Language: English - ASIN: B01DRXANW6 by Amazon Digital Services ...

In this book, the author has collected existing information on the analysis of elastic-plastic structures subjected to variable repeated loads and to variable temperature fields. He presents the foundations of the theory and its applications to the shakedown analysis of structures of various types and to computational algorithms. The book provides useful and interesting material for students of civil and mechanical engineering, practising engineers with a good mathematical background and also scientists concerned with the analysis of inelastic structures.

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