
Michael Z. Zgurovsky, Yuriy P. Zaychenko ... 304 pages - Publisher: Springer (May, 2020) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3030143007 - ISBN-13: 978-3030143008.

The book is devoted to the analysis of big data in order to extract from these data hidden patterns necessary for making decisions about the rational behavior of complex systems with the different nature that generate this data. To solve these problems, a group of new methods and tools is used, based on the self-organization of computational processes, the use of crisp and fuzzy cluster analysis methods, hybrid neural-fuzzy networks, and others. The book solves various practical problems. In particular, for the tasks of 3D image recognition and automatic speech recognition large-scale neural networks with applications for Deep Learning systems were used. Application of hybrid neuro-fuzzy networks for analyzing stock markets was presented. The analysis of big historical, economic and physical data revealed the hidden Fibonacci pattern about the course of systemic world conflicts and their connection with the Kondratieff big economic cycles and the Schwabe–Wolf solar activity cycles. The book is useful for system analysts and practitioners working with complex systems in various spheres of human activity.

Kenneth R. Baker ... 392 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition (July, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118937694 - ISBN-13: 978-1118937693.

Updated and revised, Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets, Third Edition emphasizes model building skills in optimization analysis. By emphasizing both spreadsheet modeling and optimization tools in the freely available Microsoft® Office Excel® Solver, the book illustrates how to find solutions to real-world optimization problems without needing additional specialized software.

The Third Edition includes many practical applications of optimization models as well as a systematic framework that illuminates the common structures found in many successful models. With focused coverage on linear programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, and heuristic programming, Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets, Third Edition features: An emphasis on model building using Excel Solver as well as appendices with additional instructions on more advanced packages such as Analytic Solver Platform and OpenSolver * Additional space devoted to formulation principles and model building as opposed to algorithms * New end-of-chapter homework exercises specifically for novice model builders * Presentation of the Sensitivity Toolkit for sensitivity analysis with Excel Solver * Classification of problem types to help readers see the broader possibilities for application * Specific chapters devoted to network models and data envelopment analysis * A companion website with interactive spreadsheets and supplementary homework exercises for additional practice. Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets, Third Edition is an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses that include deterministic models, optimization, spreadsheet modeling, quantitative methods, engineering management, engineering modeling, operations research, and management science. The book is an ideal reference for readers wishing to advance their knowledge of Excel and modeling and is also a useful guide for MBA students and modeling practitioners in business and non-profit sectors interested in spreadsheet optimization.

Olaf Wolkenhauer  ... 296 pages - Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; (July, 2001) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471416568 - ISBN-13: 978-0471416562.

A survey of the philosophical implications and practical applications of fuzzy systems: Fuzzy mathematical concepts such as fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and similarity relations represent one of the most exciting currents in modern engineering and have great potential in applications ranging from control theory to bioinformatics. Data Engineering guides the reader through a number of concepts interconnected by fuzzy mathematics and discusses these concepts from a systems engineering perspective to showcase the continuing vitality, attractiveness, and applicability of fuzzy mathematics.

The author discusses the fundamental aspects of data analysis, systems modeling, and uncertainty calculi. He avoids a narrow discussion of specialized methodologies and takes a holistic view of the nature and application of fuzzy systems, considering principles, paradigms, and methodologies along the way. This broad coverage includes: * Fundamentals of modeling, identification, and clustering * System analysis * Uncertainty techniques * Random-set modeling and identification * Fuzzy inference engines * Fuzzy classification, control, and mathematics. In the important emerging field of bioinformatics, the book sets out how to encode a natural system in mathematical models, describes methods to identify interrelationships and interactions from data, and thereby helps the practitioner to decide which variables to measure and why. Data Engineering serves as an up-to-date and informative survey of the theoretical and practical tools for analyzing complex systems. It offers a unique treatment of complex issues that is accessible to students and researchers from a variety of backgrounds.

Ce.A.S. s.r.l. ParatiePlus v20 [Size: 179 MB] ... In Italy as well as in many Countries worldwide, several designers rely on Paratie Plus in their retaining wall projects. For example, in the construction of the High Speed Trains guyed bridge over Po River near Piacenza, several cofferdams and other waterfront structures had been designed by our engineers using past versions of Paratie Plus. More recently, thank to the same design tool, other Italian engineering firms, have designed the temporary cofferdams for all river crossings along the new high speed train line linking Milano to Brescia. Stemming from a cooperation, since 1985, with professor Roberto Nova from Politecnico di Milano, Paratie Plus is a non linear analysis program conceived to model the soil-structure interaction of a flexible retaining wall, by means of the popular subgrade reaction method, a simple yet widely accepted approach in current design practice as well as by most of design standard worldwide, including Eurocodes.

Thanks to its effectiveness, Paratie Plus is a simple yet accurate retaining wall design tool. In most cases, a Paratie Plus analysis can be sufficient to completely define a wall design. However, even in very complex situations, Paratie Plus may provide valuable design information, at least in the preliminary design stages: if required, selected final layout will be more thoroughly analyzed, with more advance but complex programs such as FLAC. Since 2009, Paratie Plus evolved towards an integrated design environment, which offers several additional analysis options, including slope stability analysis and 2D seepage analysis. Some of the most relevant Paratie Plus features, which are hardly found in competitor tools on the market, are listed here: a rigorous soil model formulation within modern Soil Mechanics framework; a special constitutive model for clays in both drained and undrained conditions, based on critical state concepts; a realistic construction stage modelling, even for quite complex sequences; a general seepage scheme for layered soils; external loadings and interaction with nearby foundations modelling; in any construction stage, support and loading layout can be modified arbitrarily ( special non linear supports, prestressed ground anchors, struts, slabs and other features are allowed); two facing walls can be modelled thus allowing a coupled analysis of a sheetpile and its anchoring wall; a pseudo-static seismic procedure is included, based on a well documented proprietary algorithm; a GUI interface including, among many other features, a complete set of online correlations to assist the Users in selecting appropriate soil parameters based on most common in situ or lab tests; a linkage with the modern Limit Stated design methods, according to Eurocodes 7 and 8 as well as to NTC, EC2 , EC3 , AISC and ACI, for structural checks.

Deep Excavation SnailPlus 2012 v3.1.5.5 [Size: ] ... Snail Plus is soil nail analysis software. While soil nailing is also available in our DeepXcav software program, SnailPlus was created to bring all the necessary capabilities into one package. The software follows the FHWA methodology for the design of soil nail walls, in an interactive environment built on the DeepEX basic layout. This means that you can include all intermediate construction stages for your soil nail wall, include 3D loads, all in an interactive environment. Last, SnailPlus is the only software that produces a full printable report of all design calculations.

Who uses Snail-Plus? Many companies including deparment of transportation such as Texas DOT, WASH-DOT, GZA, Hayward Baker, ESC Limited, D'Appolonia, Berkel Construction, and more!

Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce ... 320 pages - Publisher: O'Reilly; (May, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1491952962 - ISBN-13: 978-1491952962. 

Statistical methods are a key part of of data science, yet very few data scientists have any formal statistics training. Courses and books on basic statistics rarely cover the topic from a data science perspective. This practical guide explains how to apply various statistical methods to data science, tells you how to avoid their misuse, and gives you advice on what's important and what's not. Many data science resources incorporate statistical methods but lack a deeper statistical perspective. If you’re familiar with the R programming language, and have some exposure to statistics, this quick reference bridges the gap in an accessible, readable format. With this book, you’ll learn: Why exploratory data analysis is a key preliminary step in data science - How random sampling can reduce bias and yield a higher quality dataset, even with big data - How the principles of experimental design yield definitive answers to questions - How to use regression to estimate outcomes and detect anomalies - Key classification techniques for predicting which categories a record belongs to - Statistical machine learning methods that “learn” from data - Unsupervised learning methods for extracting meaning from unlabeled data.

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