
Raymond Ian Gilbert, Neil C. Mickleborough, Gianluca Ranzi ... 715 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (September, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466572698 - ISBN-13: 978-1466572690.

The design of structures in general, and prestressed concrete structures in particular, requires considerably more information than is contained in building codes. A sound understanding of structural behaviour at all stages of loading is essential. This textbook presents a detailed description and explanation of the behaviour of prestressed concrete members and structures, both at service loads and at ultimate loads, and in doing so, provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to structural design. Much of the text is based on first principles and relies only on the principles of mechanics and the properties of concrete and steel, with numerous worked examples. However, where the design requirements are code specific, this book refers to the provisions of the Australian Standard for Concrete Structures (AS3600-2009) and, where possible, the notation is the same as in AS3600-2009. A parallel volume is written to Eurocode 2, the European Standard for the Design of Concrete Structures. The text runs from an introduction to the fundamentals to in-depth treatments of more advanced topics in modern prestressed concrete structures. It suits senior undergraduate and graduate students, and also practising engineers who want a comprehensive guide to the design of prestressed concrete structures. It retains the clear and concise explanations and the easy-to-read style of the first edition, but the content has been extensively reorganised and considerably expanded and updated. New chapters cover design procedures, actions, and loads; prestressing systems and construction requirements; and connections and detailing. The topic of serviceability is developed extensively throughout.

John D. Nelson, Kuo Chieh (Geoff) Chao, Daniel D. Overton, Erik J. Nelson ... 416 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (February, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470581522 - ISBN-13: 978-0470581520.

Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils fills a significant gap in the current literature by presenting coverage of the design and construction of foundations for expansive soils. Written by an expert author team with nearly 70 years of combined industry experience, this important new work is the only modern guide to the subject, describing proven methods for identifying and analyzing expansive soils and developing foundation designs appropriate for specific locations. Expansive soils are found worldwide and are the leading cause of damage to structural roads. The primary problem that arises with regard to expansive soils is that deformations are significantly greater than in non-expansive soils and the size and direction of the deformations are difficult to predict. Now, Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils gives engineers and contractors coverage of this subject from a design perspective, rather than a theoretical one. Plus, they'll have access to case studies covering the design and construction of foundations on expansive salts from both commercial and residential projects. Provides a succinct introduction to the basics of expansive soils and their threats * Includes information on both shallow and deep foundation design * Profiles soil remediation techniques, backed-up with numerous case studies * Covers the most commonly used laboratory tests and site investigation techniques used for establishing the physical properties of expansive soils. If you're a practicing civil engineer, geotechnical engineer or contractor, geologist, structural engineer, or an upper-level undergraduate or graduate student of one of these disciplines, Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils is a must-have addition to your library of resources.

S. T. Mau ... 328 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (April , 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466504161 - ISBN-13: 978-0750689441.

Bridging the gap between what is traditionally taught in textbooks and what is actually practiced in engineering firms, Introduction to Structural Analysis: Displacement and Force Methods clearly explains the two fundamental methods of structural analysis: the displacement method and the force method. It also shows how these methods are applied, particularly to trusses, beams, and rigid frames. Acknowledging the fact that virtually all computer structural analysis programs are based on the matrix displacement method of analysis, the text begins with the displacement method. A matrix operations tutorial is also included for review and self-learning. To minimize any conceptual difficulty readers may have, the displacement method is introduced with the plane truss analysis and the concept of nodal displacement. The book then presents the force method of analysis for plane trusses to illustrate force equilibrium, deflection, statistical indeterminacy, and other concepts that help readers to better understand the behavior of a structure. It also extends the force method to beam and rigid frame analysis. Toward the end of the book, the displacement method reappears along with the moment distribution and slope-deflection methods in the context of beam and rigid frame analysis. Other topics covered include influence lines, non-prismatic members, composite structures, secondary stress analysis, and limits of linear and static structural analysis. Integrating classical and modern methodologies, this book explains complicated analysis using simplified methods and numerous examples. It provides readers with an understanding of the underlying methodologies of finite element analysis and the practices used by professional structural engineers.

Randall E. Schumacker, Richard G. Lomax ... 536 pages - Publisher: Routledge; 3rd edition (April, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1841698911 - ISBN-13: 978-1841698915. 

This best-seller introduces readers to structural equation modeling (SEM) so they can conduct their own analysis and critique related research. Noted for its accessible, applied approach, chapters cover basic concepts and practices and computer input/output from the free student version of Lisrel 8.8 in the examples. Each chapter features an outline, key concepts, a summary, numerous examples from a variety of disciplines, tables, and figures, including path diagrams, to assist with conceptual understanding.

Highlights of the new edition include: A website with raw data sets for the book's examples and exercises so they can be used with any SEM program, all of the book's exercises, hotlinks to related websites, and answers to all of the exercises for Instructor’s only + New troubleshooting tips on how to address the most frequently encountered problems + Examples now reference the free student version of Lisrel 8.8 + Expanded coverage of advanced models with more on multiple-group, multi-level, & mixture modeling (Chs. 13 & 15), second-order and dynamic factor models (Ch. 14), and Monte Carlo methods (Ch. 16) + Increased coverage of sample size and power (Ch. 5) and reporting research (Ch. 11) + New journal article references help readers better understand published research (Chs. 13 – 17) and 25 % new exercises with answers to half in the book for student review. Designed for introductory graduate level courses in structural equation modeling or factor analysis taught in psychology, education, business, and the social and healthcare sciences, this practical book also appeals to researchers in these disciplines. An understanding of correlation is assumed.

Sunil Pullarcot ... 390 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (June, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1482222027 - ISBN-13: 978-1482222029.

Above Ground Storage Tanks: Practical Guide to Construction, Inspection, and Testing is an ideal guide for engineers involved in the mechanical construction of above ground storage tanks. This text details the construction of storage tanks in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute requirements for API 650, and is the first book to cover every stage subsequent to the design of storage tanks. The author focuses on the mechanical construction, inspection, and testing of storage tanks and all aspects on-site after design, and explains the relevance of code requirements. In addition, he incorporates real-world applications based on his own experience, and provides a host of practical tips, useful in avoiding repair and reworks during construction of storage tanks. Presents material compiled according to the requirements of API 650 for the construction of storage tanks + Includes coverage of the practical aspects of tank farm layout, design, foundation, erection, welding, inspection and testing + Explains the details of construction /welding sequences and NDT with simple sketches and tables + Spells out applicable codes and specifications, and provides logical explanations of various code requirements. A reference for beginners and practitioners in the construction industry, Above Ground Storage Tanks: Practical Guide to Construction, Inspection, and Testing contains valuable information on API 650 code requirements and specifications, and the construction of above ground storage tanks.

Farzad Naeim ... 830 pages - Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (March, 2001) .... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0792373014 - ISBN-13: 978-0792373018.

This handbook contains up-to-date existing structures, computer applications, and infonnation on planning, analysis, and design seismic design of wood structures. A new and very useful feature of this edition of earthquake-resistant building structures. Its intention is to provide engineers, architects, is the inclusion of a companion CD-ROM disc developers, and students of structural containing the complete digital version of the handbook itself and the following very engineering and architecture with authoritative, yet practical, design infonnation. It represents important publications: an attempt to bridge the persisting gap between l. UBC-IBC (1997-2000) Structural advances in the theories and concepts of Comparisons and Cross References, ICBO, earthquake-resistant design and their 2000. implementation in seismic design practice. 2. NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic The distinguished panel of contributors is Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-273, Federal Emergency Management Agency, composed of 22 experts from industry and universities, recognized for their knowledge and 1997. extensive practical experience in their fields. 3. NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelinesfor They have aimed to present clearly and the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-274, Federal Emergency concisely the basic principles and procedures pertinent to each subject and to illustrate with Management Agency, 1997. practical examples the application of these 4. NEHRP Recommended Provisions for principles and procedures in seismic design Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and practice. Where applicable, the provisions of Older Structures, Part 1 - Provisions, various seismic design standards such as mc­ FEMA-302, Federal Emergency 2000, UBC-97, FEMA-273/274 and ATC-40 Management Agency, 1997.

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