
James K. Wight, James G. MacGregor ... 1176 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6th edition (September, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0132176521 - ISBN-13: 978-0132176521.

Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 6th edition is a perfect text for professionals in the field who need a comprehensive reference on concrete structures and the design of reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete design encompasses both the art and science of engineering. This book presents the theory of reinforced concrete as a direct application of the laws of statics and mechanics of materials. In addition, it emphasizes that a successful design not only satisfies design rules, but also is capable of being built in a timely fashion and for a reasonable cost. A multi-tiered approach makes Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design an outstanding textbook for a variety of university courses on reinforced concrete design. Topics are normally introduced at a fundamental level, and then move to higher levels where prior educational experience and the development of engineering judgment will be required.

David G. Carmichael ... 256 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (October, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466576693 - ISBN-13: 978-1466576698.

When it comes to investing in an infrastructure project, the conventional approach is to evaluate risk through a deterministic approach. Infrastructure Investment: An Engineering Perspective, however, takes on uncertainty in investment. Of interest to engineering consultants, government departments, financial institutions, or anyone involved in investment in infrastructure, this text provides the necessary tools for the analysis and appraisal of investment in infrastructure and other assets with uncertain futures. It factors in the finance and engineering of assets such as roads, buildings, bridges, dams, pipelines, railways, ports, seawalls, wastewater treatment facilities, and addresses future demand, operating costs, maintenance costs, and other lifetime and investment parameters in both financial and non-financial terms. It considers the impact of climate change and the possible use of adaptive and flexible solutions capable of responding to changed futures, as well as how such uncertainty affects the future performance of these investments. The book also incorporates illustrated case studies and Markov chains to model an investment.

A pivotal work containing 11 chapters, this text provides: An original contribution to feasibility analysis under uncertainty + A systematic and ordered treatment of capital investment in infrastructure  + A structured flow, from a systematic treatment of conventional deterministic approaches through to a complete treatment incorporating uncertainty. Infrastructure Investment: An Engineering Perspective details investment analysis in the presence of uncertainty, and is beneficial to students, academics, and practitioners dealing with decision-making in infrastructure and similar investments.

Tom Schanz ... 505 pages - Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 1st edition (June, 2007) ... Language: English - ASIN: B001BS6NKQ by Amazon.

These proceedings are a continuation of the series of International Conferences in Germany entitled 'Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils.' The primary objective is to discuss and understand unsaturated soil behaviour such that engineered activities are made better with times in terms of judgement and quality. We all realise by now that in addition to the knowledge on the classical concepts, it becomes an enormous challenging task to adapt convincing new concepts and present them in such a way that it could be used in engineering practices. The experimental studies reported primarily focus on the role of microstructure and fabric for the complex coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of cohesive frictional materials. Several papers consider the relevance of temperature affecting the constitutive behaviour of clays. Common features of state of the art theoretical and numerical approaches, including theory of porous media and mixture theory, intend to describe the complex multi-field problems of fully coupled thermo-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical initial - boundary value problems. Applications include highly toxic waste disposals, slope stability problems and contaminants transport in porous media. These proceedings would have been not possible without financial support by the German Research Foundation (DFG). We gratefully acknowledge the support of ISSMGE, especially TC6 'Unsaturated Soils'.

Jack Moehle ... 592 pages- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; (October, 2014) ... Language: English- ISBN-10: 0071839445- ISBN-13: 978-0071839440.

Complete coverage of earthquake-resistant concrete building design: Written by a renowned seismic engineering expert, this authoritative resource discusses the theory and practice for the design and evaluation of earthquakeresisting reinforced concrete buildings. The book addresses the behavior of reinforced concrete materials, components, and systems subjected to routine and extreme loads, with an emphasis on response to earthquake loading. Design methods, both at a basic level as required by current building codes and at an advanced level needed for special problems such as seismic performance assessment, are described. Data and models useful for analyzing reinforced concrete structures as well as numerous illustrations, tables, and equations are included in this detailed reference. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings covers: Seismic design and performance verification + Steel reinforcement + Concrete + Confined concrete + Axially loaded members + Moment and axial force + Shear in beams, columns, and walls  + Development and anchorage + Beam-column connections  + Slab-column and slab-wall connections  + Seismic design overview + Special moment frames + Special structural walls + Gravity framing + Diaphragms and collectors + Foundations

Nicholas Cook ... 150 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing (January, 1999) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727727559 - ISBN-13: 978-0727727558.

All buildings in the UK must now adhere to the recently published wind code BS 6399-2. The introduction of a new code is often traumatic, especially so in this case,as the previous code has been in place for 25 years.
The author's considerable practical knowledge of wind engineering, together with his involvement in drafting this standard and his experience in conducting workshops on this subject make him the ideal person to convey the strengths and weaknesses of BS 6399-2 in this guide. Following recent amendments to BS 6399-2 (2002) this popular guide has been revised.

Luís Simões da Silva, Rui Simões, Helena Gervasio ...  462 pages - Publisher: Ernst&Sohn; (June, 2010) ... Language: English  - ISBN-10: 3433029733 - ISBN-13: 978-3433029732.

This book introduces the fundamental design concept of Eurocode 3 for current steel structures in building construction, and their practical application. Following a discussion of the basis of design, including the principles of reliability management and the limit state approach, the material standards and their use are detailed. The fundamentals of structural analysis and modeling are presented, followed by the design criteria and approaches for various types of structural members. The theoretical basis and checking procedures are closely tied to the Eurocode requirements. The following chapters expand on the principles and applications of elastic and plastic design, each exemplified by the step-by-step design calculation of a braced steel-framed building and an industrial building, respectively. Besides providing the necessary theoretical concepts for a good understanding, this manual intends to be a supporting tool for the use of practicing engineers. In order of this purpose, throughout the book, numerous worked examples are provided, concerning the analysis of steel structures and the design of elements under several types of actions. These examples will facilitate the acceptance of the code and provide for a smooth transition from earlier national codes to the Eurocode.

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