
Dawn Griffiths - 589 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎O'Reilly Media; (June, 2024) - ISBN-10: ‎1098143329 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1098143329.

Filled with tips, tricks, and techniques, this easy-to-use book is the perfect resource. You'll find more than 350 recipes for over a dozen topics covering formulas, PivotTables, charts, Power Query, and more. Each recipe poses a particular problem and outlines a solution that you can put to use right away—without having to comb through tutorial pages.

Whether you're a data analyst, project manager, financial analyst, or regular Excel user, author Dawn Griffiths directs you straight to the answers you need. Ideal as a quick reference, Excel Cookbook is also perfect for learning how to work in a more efficient way, leading to greater productivity on the job. With this book, you'll jump in and get answers to your questions—fast.

Build compelling charts and use Sparklines, 3D Maps, and other visualizations + Use PivotTables to slice, dice, and summarize datasets + Perform statistical and financial analyses using formulas, Forecast Sheets, the Analysis ToolPak, and more + Master dynamic array functions such as SEQUENCE, TEXTSPLIT, and FILTER + Use Power Query to import, shape, and combine datasets + Create custom functions using LAMBDA formulas + Use developer options to write VBA code and create custom UserForms.

Felix Zumstein ... 335 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎O'Reilly Media; (April, 2021) - ISBN-10: 1492081000 - ISBN-13: 978-1492081005.

While Excel remains ubiquitous in the business world, recent Microsoft feedback forums are full of requests to include Python as an Excel scripting language. In fact, it's the top feature requested. What makes this combination so compelling? In this hands-on guide, Felix Zumstein--creator of xlwings, a popular open source package for automating Excel with Python--shows experienced Excel users how to integrate these two worlds efficiently.

Excel has added quite a few new capabilities over the past couple of years, but its automation language, VBA, stopped evolving a long time ago. Many Excel power users have already adopted Python for daily automation tasks. This guide gets you started

Use Python without extensive programming knowledge + Get started with modern tools, including Jupyter notebooks and Visual Studio code + Use pandas to acquire, clean, and analyze data and replace typical Excel calculations + Automate tedious tasks like consolidation of Excel workbooks and production of Excel reports + Use xlwings to build interactive Excel tools that use Python as a calculation engine + Connect Excel to databases and CSV files and fetch data from the internet using Python code + Use Python as a single tool to replace VBA, Power Query, and Power Pivot.

David Mertz ... 288 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎Addison-Wesley Professional; (November, 2023).

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is used everywhere from primary school education to workaday web development, to the most advanced scientific research institutes of the world. However, like all programming languages, Python has a collection of "Pythonic" ways of accomplishing tasks that are easy to overlook, especially when habits are borrowed wholesale from work in other programming languages. Better Python Code is a guide to Pythonic programming. The book presents common mistakes that Python developers make--even Python developers who have used the language for years--often because Python sometimes presents "attractive nuisances." Throughout, the book is a guide to better programming in the core Python language.

Each section shows a concrete but concise example of some misunderstanding or bad habit in action. Each section contains a description of what is wrong with the sample code and a suggestion for one or more better ways to code equivalent functionality without the initial pitfall. Every pitfall addressed in this book reflects foibles, errors, and misunderstandings that the author as seen in concrete, widely used code bases written by experienced developers, over his 25 years of writing Python. The sections of this book each present some mistake, pitfall, or foible that developers can easily fall into, and are accompanied by descriptions of ways to avoid making them. At times those solutions simply involve a minor change in “spelling,” but in most cases they require a nuance of thought and design in your code. Many of the discussions do something else as well…

Carmine Vittoria ... Publisher:‎ CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2023) - Language: ‎English.

Future microwave, wireless communication systems, computer chip designs, and sensor systems will require miniature fabrication processes in the order of nanometers or less as well as the fusion of various material technologies to produce composites consisting of many different materials. This requires distinctly multidisciplinary collaborations, implying that specialized approaches will not be able to address future world markets in communication, computer, and electronic miniaturized products.

Anticipating that many students lack specialized simultaneous training in magnetism and magnetics, as well as in other material technologies, Magnetics, Dielectrics, and Wave Propagation with MATLABR Codes avoids application-specific descriptions, opting for a general point of view of materials per se. Specifically, this book develops a general theory to show how a magnetic system of spins is coupled to acoustic motions, magnetoelectric systems, and superconductors. Phenomenological approaches are connected to atomic-scale formulations that reduce complex calculations to essential forms and address basic interactions at any scale of dimensionalities. With simple and clear coverage of everything from first principles to calculation tools, the book revisits fundamentals that govern magnetic, acoustic, superconducting, and magnetoelectric motions at the atomic and macroscopic scales, including superlattices. Constitutive equations in Maxwell’s equations are introduced via general free energy expressions which include magnetic parameters as well as acoustic, magnetoelectric, semiconductor, and superconducting parameters derived from first principles. More importantly, this book facilitates the derivation of these parameters, as the dimensionality of materials is reduced toward the microscopic scale, thus introducing new concepts. The deposition of ferrite films at the atomic scale complements the approach toward the understanding of the physics of miniaturized composites. Thus, a systematic formalism of deriving the permeability or the magnetoelectric coupling tensors from first principles, rather than from an ad hoc approach, bridges the gap between microscopic and macroscopic principles as applied to wave propagation and other applications.

William S. Janna ... 754 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; 6th edition (March, 2020).

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Sixth Edition, is intended to be used in a first course in Fluid Mechanics, taken by a range of engineering majors. The text begins with dimensions, units, and fluid properties, and continues with derivations of key equations used in the control-volume approach. Step-by-step examples focus on everyday situations, and applications. These include flow with friction through pipes and tubes, flow past various two and three dimensional objects, open channel flow, compressible flow, turbomachinery and experimental methods. Design projects give readers a sense of what they will encounter in industry. A solutions manual and figure slides are available for instructors.

Mark G. Richardson ... 702 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2023).

This new edition sets out the fundamental aspects of concrete durability with an emphasis on sustainability and carbon neutrality through performance-based methodologies. Global approaches to managing durability are explained from both a prescriptive and performance viewpoint. Achieving a balance between the interactive factors influencing durability and sustainability is supported by an explanation of the physical and chemical phenomena at play, determination of key performance parameters by mathematical modelling and physical testing, and current guidance for good practice. New chapters and sections examine the holistic approach to durability and significant aspects of traditional and new cementitious systems. The full range of threats to durability are covered in this single volume, including reinforcement corrosion, carbonation, chloride ingress, freeze-thaw effects, sulfate attack, acid and seawater attack, alkali-aggregate reaction, cracking, abrasion, erosion, cavitation, and weathering.The book presents a framework for specification through internationally adopted codes and standards and summarises the background to probabilistic approaches to durability design, providing a state-of-the-art review of mathematical modelling of deterioration mechanisms along with current directions in test methods for performance-based specifications.

Fundamentals of Durable Reinforced Concrete is an essential reference on concrete durability for specifiers and researchers and is also accessible to undergraduate students.

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