
Oasys Slope v21.0.54.10 [Size: 73.5 MB] ...
Oasys Slope is a tool for civil and geotechnical engineers which provides an easy and accurate way to study a slip surface, finding factors of safety against failure, and to check suggested improvements from reinforcement. Slope is a core component of our Ground Movement Bundle and Geotechnical Suite, both in Pro and Basic versions. Oasys Slope empowers civil and geotechnical engineers to study and check their projects involving slope stability analyses, a key part of linear infrastructure design involving cuttings for permanent works, for example.

Oasys Slope empowers civil and geotechnical engineers to study and check their projects involving slope stability analyses, a key part of linear infrastructure design involving cuttings for permanent works, for example. Civil and geotechnical engineers responsible for studying the global stability of reinforced earth structures, cuttings and more use Oasys Slope as it provides a validated, robust and user-friendly method of calculations, ensuring acceptable and appropriate QA and QC standards are met.

Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Pramod Singh Rathore, Dr S Balamurugan ... 280 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎BPB Publications; (June, 2019).

Machine learning is mostly sought in the research field and has become an integral part of many research projects nowadays including commercial applications, as well as academic research. Application of machine learning ranges from finding friends on social networking sites to medical diagnosis and even satellite processing. In this book, we have made an honest effort to make the concepts of machine learning easy and give basic programs in MATLAB right from the installation part. Although the real-time application of machine learning is endless, however, the basic concepts and algorithms are discussed using MATLAB language so that not only graduation students but also researchers are benefitted from it.

What you will learn:
Pre-requisites to machine learning + Finding natural patterns in data + Building classification methods + Data pre-processing in Python + Building regression models + Creating neural networks + Deep learning.

Who This Book is for: The book is basically meant for graduate and research students who find the algorithms of machine learning difficult to implement. We have touched all basic algorithms of machine learning in detail with a practical approach. Primarily, beginners will find this book more effective as the chapters are subdivided in a manner that they find the building and implementation of algorithms in MATLAB interesting and easy at the same time.

Allan Ludman, Stephen Marshak ... 528 pages - Publisher: W.W. Norton; 4th edition (July, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-13: 978-0393617528.

Engaging, hands-on, and visual―the geology manual that helps your students think like a geologist: The Third Edition has been thoroughly updated to help make your geology lab more active and engaging. This edition features new “What Do You Think” mini-cases that promote critical thinking, new and vastly-improved topographic maps, and updated, detailed reference figures in every chapter. With low prices and package deals available with all Marshak texts, the Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology, Third Edition, is truly the best choice for your lab.

Stephen Marshak ... 720 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: W.W. Norton; 7th edition (July, 2022).

The gold standard text for helping students visualize and understand geologic processes makes hands-on and real-world exploration easier and more impactful than ever, in any course setting. New 3D specimen and digital elevation models, with corresponding Smartwork exercises, allow students to examine specimens and sites as if they were in the field or lab. And new highly visual “Practice What You Know” and “What Can You See?” activities at the end of each chapter and in Smartwork help students synthesize and apply important concepts like a geologist. Thoroughly updated with current events and essential data, the Seventh Edition also reveals the dynamism of geology and how it impacts our lives

Santanu Bhanja ... Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎CRC Press; (June, 2024).

Reinforced Concrete Design (RC) is performed mostly by the limit state method throughout the world. This book covers the fundamental concepts and principles of RC design developing the topics from the basic theories and assumptions. Building upon the possible revisions to the mother code of concrete in India, IS:456-2000, it explains the RC design provisions of IRC:112-2020, which are in line with international standards. In addition to strength design, serviceability and ductility design are also covered.

Features: Highlights the basic philosophy of RC design and behaviour of the sections up to and beyond limit state. + Clarifies limit state theory from the basic assumptions provided in relevant Indian and international standards, IS:456, IRC:112 and Eurocode:2. + Includes design aids or tools for standard and high strength concrete up to M90 grade as per different codes of practice. + Explains the concept of ductility of reinforced concrete sections subjected to flexure with or without axial loads from fundamental principles. + Covers fundamentals on serviceability requirements in reinforced concrete structures. + Illustrates the design methodology of shear walls and includes design aids developed using basic principles as per relevant codes of practice. + Explains reinforced concrete design provisions as per latest national and international standards and these are expected to be in line with those to be included in the forthcoming revision of IS:456. This book is aimed at graduate students, researchers and professionals in civil engineering, construction engineering and concrete.

Georgios Gaganelis, Peter Mark, Patrick Forman ... 198 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Ernst & Sohn; (January, 2022).

Concrete is the most used building material. Its main component, cement, however, accounts production- related for up to 10 % of global CO2 emissions and is therefore a major contributor to human-induced climate change. Due to its low tensile strength, concrete must be further enhanced in tension with adequate reinforcement, such as steel. Producing the latter therefore additionally impacts the environment. Consequently, reducing the material amount for design and construction of structures, thus lowering material- and transport-induced emissions, represents a key element to climate protection. In this context, meeting the essential requirements, sustainability, serviceability, durability is yet indispensable.The book presents innovative optimization aided design methods for concrete structures. Mathematical optimization is applied to practical problems of structural concrete at each level: from external, through internal structure identification to cross-section design. It is shown how to design resource-efficient structures following the flux of forces, how to optimally adapt reinforcement layouts to the internal force flow, and how to efficiently cope with demanding cross-sectional design tasks such as biaxial bending.

The optimization aided design methods are discussed in detail and described vividly. They are independent of standards, concrete material (normal to ultra-high performance) and reinforcement type (steel fibers to carbon bars), thus universally applicable. The book illustrates the different approaches with numerous figures and calculation examples. Existing applications in structural engineering are presented to demonstrate the potential of optimization aided design concepts, including ultra-lightweight hybrid beams, thin concrete solar collectors, and improved reinforcement layouts for tunnel lining segments.

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