
Amir R. Khoei ... 584 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (February, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118457684 - ISBN-13: 978-1118457689.

The finite element method (FEM) technique has been developed to simulate and analyze complex engineering problems. However, there are a number of drawbacks with finite element simulation of discontinuous problems, such as fracture mechanics problems, including the computational cost of a very fine finite element mesh and the complex remeshing strategy in capturing discontinuity. The extended finite element method (XFEM) has therefore been developed to improve the performance of the conventional finite element method in discontinuity problems. Extended Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications introduces the theory and applications of XFEM in the linear and nonlinear problems of continua, structures, and geomechanics. It begins by introducing the concept of a partition of unity, various enrichment functions, and fundamentals of XFEM formulation. It then covers the theory and application of XFEM in large deformations, plasticity, and contact problems. The implementation of XFEM in fracture mechanics, including linear, cohesive, and ductile crack propagation, is also covered. Finally, the theory and applications of XFEM in multiphase fluid flow, including hydraulic fracturing in soil saturated media and crack propagation in thermo-hydro-mechanical porous media, are discussed in detail. Key features: Comprehensively introduces XFEM analysis + Explains the theory and applications of XFEM in various continuum and geo-mechanical problems + Includes worked examples + Accompanied by a website hosting source code and examples. Extended Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications is a comprehensive introduction to XFEM analysis for researchers and practitioners in industry, and is also an ideal textbook for graduate students in mechanical and civil engineering.ccompanied by a website hosting source code and examples

Mohammad Karamouz ... 924 pages - Language: English - Publisher: CRC Press; (December, 2021) - AmazonSIN: ‎B09LR3V8QJ.

This book presents three distinct pillars for analysis, design, and planning: urban water cycle and variability as the state of water being; landscape architecture as the medium for built-by-design; and total systems as the planning approach. The increasing demand for water and urban and industrial expansions have caused myriad environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More frequent and severe floods and droughts have changed the resiliency and ability of water infrastructure systems to operate and provide services to the public. These concerns and issues have also changed the way we plan and manage our water resources. Focusing on urban challenges and contexts, the book provides foundational information regarding water science and engineering while also examining topics relating to urban stormwater, water supply, and wastewater infrastructures. It also addresses critical emerging issues such as simulation and economic modeling, flood resiliency, environmental visualization, satellite data applications, and digital data model (DEM) advancements.

Features: Explores various theoretical, practical, and real-world applications of system analysis, design, and planning of urban water infrastructures + Discusses hydrology, hydraulics, and basic laws of water flow movement through natural and constructed environments + Describes a wide range of novel topics ranging from water assets, water economics, systems analysis, risk, reliability, and disaster management + Examines the details of hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling and simulation of conceptual and data-driven models + Delineates flood resiliency, environmental visualization, pattern recognition, and machine learning attributes + Explores a compilation of tools and emerging techniques that elevate the reader to a higher plateau in water and environmental systems management.

Water Systems Analysis, Design, and Planning: Urban Infrastructure serves as a useful resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in the areas of water resources and systems analysis, as well as practicing engineers and landscape professionals.

Oasys Greta v19.3.5.0 [Size: 102 MB] ...
Oasys Greta is a tool for civil and geotechnical engineers that provides comprehensive stability analysis for gravity retaining walls, and forms part of our Geotechnical Suite Pro and Geotechnical Suite bundles.

For the stability analysis of gravity retaining wall design, Oasys Greta provides users with the ability to validate and standardise in-house calculations across projects.

Civil and geotechnical engineers responsible for routine gravity retaining wall design use Oasys Greta as it provides a validated, robust and user-friendly method of calculations, ensuring acceptable and appropriate QA and QC standards are met.

Oasys Safe v19.1.1.31 [Size: 69 MB] ... Solve your geotechnical problem with powerful two-dimensional geotechnical finite element design software. Whether you need to do two-dimensional finite element computations in plane stress, plane strain, or axial symmetry, Safe takes care of it. The smart geotechnical finite element analysis software identifies pore pressures and effective stresses separately and includes gravitational loads and initial stresses.

Features: Analysis of plane stress, plane strain or axially symmetric problems. General loading of linear elastic axisymmetric structures can be carried out using a Fourier series technique. + Linear or non-linear behaviour. + Gravity loading. + Pore pressures and effective stresses are identified separately, allowing computation for drained or undrained conditions, and time dependent consolidation. + Incremental loading and changes of material properties, permitting the formation of excavations, embankments etc. + Intermediate results can be stored and inspected before the problem is continued further. + Pressure (distributed) and line loading. + Fixed or spring restraints. + 8 noded quadrilateral elements. These can be curvilinear. + Consolidation problems. + Wells. + Seepage and flow. + Extensive graphical input options and in-built mesh generation facility.

Oasys XDisp v20.2.3.0 [Size: 121 MB] ... Oasys XDisp Pro is used to undertake and produce building, utilities and rail damage assessments, can undertake a multi-stage construction analysis without the need for multiple models, and is a core component of the Ground Movement Bundle Pro and the Geotechnical Suite Pro.

Oasys XDisp Pro is used by geotechnical and civil engineers on projects that require the need to control, limit and mitigate excessive ground displacements which may have a detrimental effect on existing or future builds.

Geotechnical and civil engineers overseeing ground movement assessments such as part of linear infrastructure design use Oasys XDisp Pro as it provides a validated, robust and user-friendly method of calculations, ensuring acceptable and appropriate QA and QC standards are met.

Combined with Oasys PDisp, geotechnical engineers can undertake comprehensive building and utilities damage assessments, including multi-stage construction analysis.

Igor Griva, Stephen G. Nash, Ariela Sofer ... 764 pages - Publisher: Society for Industrial Mathematics; 2nd edition (December, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0898716616 - ISBN-13: 978-0898716610.

This book introduces the applications, theory, and algorithms of linear and nonlinear optimization, with an emphasis on the practical aspects of the material. Its unique modular structure provides flexibility to accommodate the varying needs of instructors, students, and practitioners with different levels of sophistication in these topics. The succinct style of this second edition is punctuated with numerous real-life examples and exercises, and the authors include accessible explanations of topics that are not often mentioned in textbooks, such as duality in nonlinear optimization, primal-dual methods for nonlinear optimization, filter methods, and applications such as support-vector machines. Part I of Linear and Nonlinear Optimization, Second Edition provides fundamentals that can be taught in whole or in part at the beginning of a course on either topic and then referred to as needed. Part II on linear programming and Part III on unconstrained optimization can be used together or separately, and Part IV on nonlinear optimization can be taught without having studied the material in Part II. In the preface the authors suggest course outlines that can be adjusted to the requirements of a particular course on both linear and nonlinear optimization, or to separate courses on these topics. Three appendices provide information on linear algebra, other fundamentals, and software packages for optimization problems. A supplemental website offers auxiliary data sets that are necessary for some of the exercises.

Audience: This book is primarily intended for use in linear and nonlinear optimization courses for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. It is also appropriate as a tutorial for researchers and practitioners who need to understand the modern algorithms of linear and nonlinear optimization to apply them to problems in science and engineering. Contents: Preface; Part I: Basics; Chapter 1: Optimization Models; Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Optimization; Chapter 3: Representation of Linear Constraints; Part II: Linear Programming; Chapter 4: Geometry of Linear Programming; Chapter 5: The Simplex Method; Chapter 6: Duality and Sensitivity; Chapter 7: Enhancements of the Simplex Method; Chapter 8: Network Problems; Chapter 9: Computational Complexity of Linear Programming; Chapter 10: Interior-Point Methods of Linear Programming; Part III: Unconstrained Optimization; Chapter 11: Basics of Unconstrained Optimization; Chapter 12: Methods for Unconstrained Optimization; Chapter 13: Low-Storage Methods for Unconstrained Problems; Part IV: Nonlinear Optimization; Chapter 14: Optimality Conditions for Constrained Problems; Chapter 15: Feasible-Point Methods; Chapter 16: Penalty and Barrier Methods; Part V: Appendices; Appendix A: Topics from Linear Algebra; Appendix B: Other Fundamentals; Appendix C: Software; Bibliography; Index

Wenyu Sun, Ya-Xiang Yuan ... 688 pages - Publisher: Springer; (May, 2006) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0387249753 - ISBN-13: 978-0387249759.

This book, a result of the author's teaching and research experience in various universities and institutes over the past ten years, can be used as a textbook for an optimization course for graduates and senior undergraduates. It systematically describes optimization theory and several powerful methods, including recent results. For most methods, the authors discuss an idea’s motivation, study the derivation, establish the global and local convergence, describe algorithmic steps, and discuss the numerical performance. The book deals with both theory and algorithms of optimization concurrently. It also contains an extensive bibliography. Finally, apart from its use for teaching, Optimization Theory and Methods will be very beneficial as a research reference.

Dusan Teodorovic, Milan Janic ... 900 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (October, 2016) - Language: ‎English - ISBN-10: 0128038187 - ISBN-13: 978-0128038185.

Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice and Modeling is a guide for integrating multi-modal transportation networks and assessing their potential cost and impact on society and the environment. Clear and rigorous in its coverage, the authors begin with an exposition of theory related to traffic engineering and control, transportation planning, and an evaluation of transportation alternatives that is followed by models and methods for predicting travel and freight transportation demand, analyzing existing and planning new transportation networks, and developing traffic control tactics and strategies. Written by an author team with over thirty years of experience in both research and teaching, the book incorporates both theory and practice to facilitate greener solutions.

Richard W. Hamming ... Publisher: ‎Dover Publications; (November, 2004) - Language:‎ English - 880 pages - ISBN-10:‎ 0486439453 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-0486439457.

Understanding calculus is vital to the creative applications of mathematics in numerous areas. This text focuses on the most widely used applications of mathematical methods, including those related to other important fields such as probability and statistics. The four-part treatment begins with algebra and analytic geometry and proceeds to an exploration of the calculus of algebraic functions and transcendental functions and applications. In addition to three helpful appendixes, the text features answers to some of the exercises. Appropriate for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, it is also a practical reference for professionals. 1985 edition. 310 figures. 18 tables.

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