
Bujang B. K. Huat, Arun Prasad, Sina Kazemian, Vivi Anggraini ... 316 pages - Publisher:‎ CRC Press; (June, 2021) - Language : English - ISBN-10: 1032085428 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1032085425.

This book provides a review of problems during design and construction on problematic soils. Design methods, site investigation, construction and analysis of the various improvement methods available are explained and discussed. Various regions may have different soils with geotechnical problems that differ from those faced in other regions. For example, in Southeast Asia, the common geotechnical problems are those associated with construction on soft clays and organic soils, while in the arid region of the Middle East, problems are generally associated with the desert soils. In the US, the problems are associated with organic soils, expansive and collapsing soils, and shale. Laterite and lateritic soils are especially problematic in Mexico. Similarly, in Europe, for example, the geotechnical problems are associated with loess (France), and organic soil (Germany). A detailed description of various methods of ground improvement has been provided in 11 chapters. Each chapter deals not only with a description of the method but also focuses on region-specific ground problems and suitable ground improvement techniques. Case studies have also been included. One general chapter is dedicated to site investigation, instrumentation, assessment and control. This book will be of value to students and professionals in the fields of civil and geotechnical engineering, as well as to soil scientists and engineering geologists.

R. V. Dukkipati ... 1728 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎Mercury Learning and Information; (April, 2023).

The book is designed to cover all major aspects of applied numerical methods, including numerical computations, solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, finite differences and interpolation, curve fitting, correlation and regression, numerical differentiation and integration, matrices and linear system of equations, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, and numerical solution of partial differential equations. MATLAB is incorporated throughout the text and most of the problems are executed in MATLAB code. It uses a numerical problem-solving orientation with numerous examples, figures, and end of chapter exercises. Presentations are limited to very basic topics to serve as an introduction to more advanced topics.

Features: Integrates MATLAB throughout the text + Includes over 600 fully-solved problems with step-by-step solutions + Limits presentations to basic concepts of solving numerical methods.

Table of Contents: 1: Numerical Computations. 2: Linear System of Equations. 3: Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations. 4: Numerical Differentiation. 5: Finite Differences and Interpolation. 6: Curve Fitting, Regression, and Correlation. 7: Numerical Integration. 8: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. 9: Direct Numerical Integration Methods. 10: MATLAB Basics. 11: Optimization. 12: Partial Differential Equations. Appendices: A. Answers to Selected Problems. B. Bibliography. C. Partial Fraction Expansions. D. Basic Engineering Mathematics. E. Cramer’s Rule. F. MATLAB Built-In Functions. G. MATLAB M-File Functions. Index.

Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., John T. DeWolf, David Mazurek ... 864 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎ McGraw-Hill Education; 3rd edition (March, 2020).

The approach of the Beer and Johnston series has been appreciated by hundreds of thousands of students over decades of engineering education. Maintaining the proven methodology and pedagogy of the Beer and Johnson series, Statics and Mechanics of Materials combines the theory and application behind these two subjects into one cohesive text focusing on teaching students to analyze problems in a simple and logical manner and, then, to use fundamental and well-understood principles in the solution.

The addition of Case Studies based on real-world engineering problems provides students with an immediate application of the theory. A wealth of problems, Beer and Johnston's hallmark sample problems, and valuable review and summary sections at the end of each chapter, highlight the key pedagogy of the text.

Russell Hibbeler ... Language: English - Publisher: Pearson, (2022) - ISBN-10: 1292444045 - ISBN-13: 978-1292444048.

Engineering Mechanics is your clear, comprehensive guide to the theory and application of engineering mechanics. Drawing upon his decades of classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn, Professor Hibbeler provides highly visual, methodical applications to help you conceptualize and master difficult concepts. A variety of problem types stress realistic situations encountered in the field, with several levels of difficulty to give you the practice you need to excel in your courses and career. The 15th Edition features a large variety of problems, about 30% which are new, which involve practical applications to different fields of engineering.

Contents: General Principles + Force Vectors  + Equilibrium of a Particle + Force System Resultants + Equilibrium of a Rigid Body + Structural Analysis + Internal Forces + Friction + Center of Gravity and Centroid + Moments of Inertia + Virtual Work

Robin Chowdhury, Gautam Bhattacharya, Subhadeep Metya ... 790 pages - Language: ‎English- Publisher: ‎ CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2023) - ISBN-10: ‎1138000116 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-1138000117.

This second edition of Geotechnical Slope Analysis is an updated version of the original scholarly book. In this edition, concepts and applications have been thoroughly revised. In particular, the ‘Initial Stress Approach’ has been extended to 2D problems in a more rigorous manner. Additional solved numerical examples have been added in several chapters. More importantly, the meaning of the results is explored through interpretation.

The influence of initial stresses, pore water pressures and seismic forces has been explored not only on performance indicators such as the ‘Factor of Safety’ but also on the location of critical slip surfaces. In addition to these factors, it is shown that the chosen method of analysis may also have a significant influence on the location of the critical slip surface. Student exercises have been included in some chapters with a view to encouraging further study and research, and reference is often made to case studies of particular importance.

The best features of the book have been retained with continued emphasis on both deterministic and probabilistic approaches for quantifying slope performance. The traditional performance indicator such as ‘Factor of Safety’ can be complemented by the calculation of the ‘Reliability Index’ and the ‘Probability of Failure’. This book focuses on research studies concerning slope behaviour, the occurrence of landslides and the use of alternative methods of analysis and interpretation. The importance of uncertainties in slope performance and, more broadly, in geotechnical engineering is emphasised.

This book will be valuable to undergraduate and senior students of civil, mining and geological engineering as well as to academic teachers and instructors and also to researchers, practising geotechnical engineers and consultants.

Yung Ming Cheng ... 416 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: Nova Science Publishers; (October, 2017) - ISBN-10: ‎1536129356 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1536129359.

Slope stability is always a very important topic in many developed and highly congested cities, particularly for many cities in China where slope failures have killed many people with significant loss of properties. The author has also participated in different types of slope stability research and consultancy works in different countries, and has published two books entitled "Soil Slope stability analysis and stabilization new methods and insights" and "Frontier in civil engineering, vol.1, Stability analysis of geotechnical structures" which are well favoured by many students, engineers and researchers. The author also frequently receives email about the details of the more innovative slope stability analysis methods, stabilization and monitoring system, as well as the procedures in the numerical implementation of some of the stability analysis methods. In views of the various improvements in the theory of slope stability analysis over the years, the author would like to write a new book on slope stability analysis and slope reliability analysis, and the new materials will be useful to both students, engineers as well as researchers. 

In this book, different methods of slope stability analysis will be discussed in a broad sense. Following that, the limit equilibrium and finite element methods will be discussed in more details, as these two methods are the methods commonly used for practical works. Detailed procedures for limit equilibrium analysis will be provided to aid the students in learning, while the program SLOPE2000 will be introduced for the solution of more complicated problems. Some interesting engineering cases will be illustrated in this book. The author will also try to introduce the use of distinct element slope stability method, which is a technique still far from practical applications, but it does offer some insights which are not possible with the other methods

Richard M. Barker, Jay A. Puckett ... 544 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition (February, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470900660 - ISBN-13: 978-0470900666.

Up-to-date coverage of bridge design and analysis-- revised to reflect the fifth edition of the AASHTO LRFD specifications: Design of Highway Bridges, Second Edition offers detailed coverage of engineering basics for the design of short- and medium-span bridges. Based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, it is an excellent engineering resource.

This updated edition features: Expanded coverage of structural analysis, including axle and lane loads, along with new numerical analytic methods and approaches + Dozens of worked problems, primarily in Customary U.S. units, that allow techniques to be applied to real-world problems and design specifications + Revised AASHTO steel bridge design guidelines that reflect the simplified approach for plate girder bridges + The latest information on concrete bridges, including new minimum reinforcement requirements, and unbonded tendon stress at ultimate and losses for prestressed concrete girders + Information on key bridge types, selection principles, and aesthetic issues +  Problems and selected references for further study + And more. From gaining quick familiarity with the AASHTO LRFD specifications to seeking broader guidance on highway bridge design—this is the one-stop, ready reference that puts information at your fingertips.

Jai B. Kim, Robert H. Kim, Jonathan Eberle ... 358 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (April, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466566515 - ISBN-13: 978-1466566514.

Developed to comply with the fifth edition of the AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specifications [2010]––Simplified LRFD Bridge Design is "How To" use the Specifications book. Most engineering books utilize traditional deductive practices, beginning with in-depth theories and progressing to the application of theories. The inductive method in the book uses alternative approaches, literally teaching backwards. The book introduces topics by presenting specific design examples. Theories can be understood by students because they appear in the text only after specific design examples are presented, establishing the need to know theories. The emphasis of the book is on step-by-step design procedures of highway bridges by the LRFD method, and "How to Use" the AASHTO Specifications to solve design problems. Some of the design examples and practice problems covered include: Load combinations and load factors * Strength limit states for superstructure design * Design Live Load HL- 93 * Un-factored and Factored Design Loads * Fatigue Limit State and fatigue life; Service Limit State * Number of design lanes * Multiple presence factor of live load * Dynamic load allowance * Distribution of Live Loads per Lane * Wind Loads, Earthquake Loads * Plastic moment capacity of composite steel-concrete beam * LRFR Load Rating. Simplified LRFD Bridge Design is a study guide for engineers preparing for the PE examination as well as a classroom text for civil engineering students and a reference for practicing engineers. Eight design examples and three practice problems describe and introduce the use of articles, tables, and figures from the AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specifications. Whenever articles, tables, and figures in examples appear throughout the text, AASHTO LRFD specification numbers are also cited, so that users can cross-reference the material.

Tim Huff ... 372 pages - Language ‏ : ‎ English - Publisher ‏ : ‎ CRC Press; (February, 2022) - ISBN-10: ‎1032208368 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1032208367

This book examines and explains material from the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, including deck and parapet design, load calculations, limit states and load combinations, concrete and steel I-girder design, bearing design, and more. With increased focus on earthquake resiliency, two separate chapters– one on conventional seismic design and the other on seismic isolation applied to bridges– will fully address this vital topic. The primary focus is on steel and concrete I-girder bridges, with regard to both superstructure and substructure design.

Features: Includes several worked examples for a project bridge as well as actual bridges designed by the author + Examines seismic design concepts and design details for bridges + Presents the latest material based on the 9th edition of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications + Covers fatigue, strength, service, and extreme event limit states + Includes numerous solved problems and exercises at the end of each chapter to illustrate the concepts presented.

LRFD Bridge Design: Fundamentals and Applications will serve as a useful text for graduate and upper-level undergraduate civil engineering students as well as practicing structural engineers.

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